Monthly Archives: November 2015


拿着ipad一边做饭一边看,一边吃饭一边看,前二十分钟也没放心上就觉得真够慢啊有点无聊。现在看电影就像做任务,这个时代好像不显得很忙都不好意思似的,连娱乐也要高效。但这部电影就有这种让人静下来的功效,看完索性九点钟上床睡觉。而且每个画面都很美,这才是motion pictures. 看完我会想这个电影好在哪儿,故事没什么情节,就是生活本身。但我想能够静下心来去欣赏,生活本身也很美吧。   

Pinball 1973

The bus door banged shut, the twins waved from the window. Everything was repeating itself. I retraced my steps by the exact same route, and sat in the apartment awash with autumn light listening to the copy of Rubber Soul the twins had left me. I brewed coffee. And the whole day through I watched […]

Der Ring des Nibelungen

Finally, I finished watching the maybe 16-hour long Ring cycle by Richard Wagner. I watched during lunch break, on the treadmill, or with a beer at night for the past few months and now I am done with it. Because of the long span, I couldn’t remember the details of the plot and connect them […]

Concerning the Sound of a Train Whistle in the Night, or On the Efficiency of Fiction By Haruki Murakami

The girl has a question for the boy: “How much do you love me?” He thinks for a moment, then quietly replies, “As much as a train whistle in the night.” She waits in silence for him to go on. Obviously there has to be a story there. “Sometimes, just like that, in the dead […]

Drifting House

I picked up this book randomly on a Saturday afternoon in November. My heart grew heavier and darker with the story just like the overcast sky outside as it approached dusk. Sadness reigned after the first few pages and the author Krys Lee definitely did a great job on keeping the continuous flow of inescapable […]

The Attorney

   I envy Korean people. They can face their own past mistakes and make them into films. I wish we could have films like this.